“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us…
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

About Me Cindy Ward (1).png

Hello… I’m Cindy.

By holding space and sparking others to reconnect to their powerful authentic essence, I help people rise and shine to their soul designed life.

I’ve been there, the wall of my “beautiful house” in my “beautiful life” literally came tumbling down and I bottomed out on my walk-in closet floor. I know the courage it takes to leave a situation that is soul sucking, to get real to your pains and fears, to stop ignoring the faint whispers. 

And finally the joy and freedom of reconnecting to who you truly are. Yup Dorothy, there is no place like home.

After my divorce, I chose integrity and well being, and slowly got back into playing the leading role of my own life. And through the pain of the erasure as Momma to my still young son, I discovered within me a deep source that is unshakeable, powerful and with an amazingly creative intelligence connected to the whole of love and life, including my son’s.

The deep personal and spiritual growth work I have done has prepared me for consciously creative living, while moving through whatever darkness and challenges come my way.  And after seeing the benefit of growth in my own life it is my dharma or path to help others.

Life is messy.  And we are all works in progress.  Let’s remember who we truly are and allow our powerful light to shine and others to do the same.  We can dance this mess around to a new beat of joy, freedom and vitality.


 Random Things About Me

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“Seek those who fan your flame”. Rumi